Devotions and Liturgy

Popular devotions are a beautiful and traditionally Catholic way to pray, but these should always be secondary and related to the Liturgy. "Since the liturgy is the center of the life of the Church, popular devotions should never be portrayed as equal to the liturgy, nor can they adequately substitute for the liturgy. What is crucial is that popular devotions be in harmony with the liturgy, drawing inspiration from it and ultimately leading back to it."
(USCCB, Popular Devotional Practices: Basic Q & A)
(USCCB, Popular Devotional Practices: Basic Q & A)
Popular Devotional Practices: Basic Questions and Answers (USCCB)
Prayers and Devotions (USCCB)
(see left side menu for specific devotions)
Where Do Liturgy, Devotional Prayer and Meditation all Fit Together? (David Clayton)
Prayers and Devotions (USCCB)
(see left side menu for specific devotions)
Where Do Liturgy, Devotional Prayer and Meditation all Fit Together? (David Clayton)